ADHD Testing and Treatment

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder of brain development that is characterised by inattention and/or hyperactivity among other symptoms (e.g. lack of focus, poor time management, weak impulse control, excessive fidgeting).

If you are concerned that your child may have ADHD, the first step is to liaise with your child’s teacher about your concerns. If they, and/or your GP have recommended specialist consultation, we can help.

Initial Assessment & Diagnostic Evaluation

We offer 2 types of assessments:

  • Multidisciplinary Assessments – Comprehensive testing and consultation involving experienced developmental paediatricians and psychologists and/or specialist educators.
  • Individual Consultations with a developmental paediatrician or a child psychologist.

Treatment & Management Plan

As part of the initial assessment & diagnostic evaluation, our experienced paediatricians will recommend a management plan which lists treatment options based on your child’s needs. If clinically appropriate, this may involve our paediatricians prescribing medication.

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